
Columbian born Tulianna Garcés is the founder of Belart, a member of the US Fair Trade Federation.

She sought to start an initiative that would allow for deep collaborative relationships with local artisans in Columbia.  As she discovered the power and joy of working collaboratively to improve lives through sustainable practices and ideas.

Working with local artisans that have been displaced by violence, Belart is able to create eco-chic, sustainable and unique jewellery. Each piece is an impassioned labour of love that has passed through many hands. Belart is dedicated to the idea that all citizens of the world, like Tulianna herself and her family, deserve to live safely and at peace.

By working together with Colombian government Institutions and Aid To Artisans, they support vulnerable and displaced citizens (85% of whom are women) in harvesting tagua, fique-agave and other natural materials in a sustainable way.

It is Tulianna's firm conviction and belief that by supporting cross-cultural, respectful and enduring partnerships with these communities, they are creating a sustainable, economically-beneficial and productive alternative to the illegal and dangerous drug trade.

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